Monday 24 January 2011

Audacity of Huge

Working at my local animal shelter over the weekend I was faced with a rabbit that looked a little like this:

What are you supposed to do when faced with a rabbit that is the size of a dog and too heavy to lift single-handed??!
Stare in awe, I reckon, which is exactly what I did. And give it double helpings of food...

Love for the ridiculously gargantuan

Monday 17 January 2011

Blue Monday

So, apparently today was officially "the most depressing day of the year". Well, that might explain the mood of yesterday's post! Something in me clearly realised that summer is still a million miles off, Christmas even further off, and there's officially no excuse to be eating a trillion calories a day anymore.

Call it churnalism, call it psychological nonsense, (call it a great 80's tune by New Order), how was your "Blue Monday"?

(Note: weird moment of the day. Reading through an article on tips for surviving "Blue Monday" on the guardian website today, I came across this paragraph -
"With that in mind, the charity is attempting to spread a little cheer through the City of London today using space hoppers, smoothies and massages. There is also talk of fluffy blue monsters, although it's not immediately clear how they fit in to proceedings."
To understand the freakiness of this, please refer to the first picture in the post below which I found at random to cheer me up....C'EST BIZARRE, NON?)

Sunday 16 January 2011

Visual Cheer

I'm feeling bummed today. Can't really explain it, but maybe thats ok.
So here are some visual pick-me-ups for anyone else out there feeling a bit blue.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


I want to adorn my arms with goodies until I can barely lift them

Monday 3 January 2011


Happy New Year people!

With every new year celebration comes the inevitable issue of new year resolutions. Bah.

I think it's a good idea to look to improve yourself or your situation or whatever, but I don't necessarily think you have to make resolutions to cut things out of your life, or do less of something. I think a refreshing look at new years resolutions would be to consider things you want to add to your life, whether it be a new skill or friend or outlook on life.

So with this in mind, here are my resolutions for 2011 (which, inevitably, will not all be kept but the more there are, the more chance I have of seeing one through. Right?)
  1. Learn to bake cupcakes
  2. Pick up the guitar again
  3. Draw more and get the creative juices going
  4. Be more active
  5. Drop a couple of pounds (well, it wouldn't be a new years resolution without weight loss in there somewhere....)
  6. Make some new friends at new job
  7. MOVE OUT OF FAMILY HOME INTO LONDON (can you tell i'm excited about this one?)
But most importantly, keep things in perspective and if you slip up on a resolution, don't self-flagellate over it. It's really not that important...

Here's a happy video to send you smiling into the new year. x