Saturday 13 March 2010

Leaving On A Jetplane

Tomorrow, at 11.50am I am flying off to the other side of the world for 5 months of travelling. I find myself wondering how this has come around so quickly, I've been planning this trip with a friend for almost a year and suddenly ITS TIME.

I couldn't be more excited to be seeing some more of the world, and I couldn't ask to be travelling with a better friend. She's already out there so the flying bit I will have to face alone.

Sadly I have, at some point over the last few years, developed quite a fear of flying. Which sucks massively because I love to travel, thus it must be done. Happily, lovely doctor has sorted me out with a truckload of valium so I am hoping to be nice and comatose for most of the journey...

So, as long as my plane doesn't fall to pieces in the sky(!), I'll be here and happy in a few hours (nearly 12 in the air to be exact :( )


Wednesday 10 March 2010

Filling a Hole

I'm a girl that likes to shop. But lately, its a habit thats gotten a little out of control, to the point where I was ordering things to my work address and smuggling them home up to my room to avoid my mother's judgement.

I daren't calculate just how much I have spent in the last couple of months but considering I blew nearly £100 in one brief online shop and have been fairly constantly drip-feeding my need for MORE THINGS since, I'm sure it can't be pretty...

Here's an example of one week's ridiculous shopping:
  • A pair of shoes
  • CD
  • 2 vintage jumpers
  • 2 pairs of earrings
  • 2 necklaces
  • A Kigu (I finally took the plunge into the ridiculous)
  • Bestival tickets (big ol blow to the bank account)
  • 1 ring
  • 1 pair of bikini bottoms
  • 1 tank top

Now, I don't need no professional to explain to me whats going on here.

I'm very aware that since being shoved from my comfortable nest of coupledom I've been spending like there's no tomorrow in order to fill the sudden horrible gaping hole in my life.

(I guess it's better than filling it with alcohol and drugs, right?)

And I know that this will gradually get better, and instead of feeling like there's a gaping hole in my life that needs to be filled with more and more THINGS, I'll eventually just be


And until then, I might just have to have this little beauty (all in the aid of healing of course ;) )

Friday 5 March 2010



I have just managed to dye my hair accident.

And not that "look-how-edgy-I-am" silver grey thing that everyone is doing right now (which I definitely DO NOT get)

But proper fucking grey. With a weird hint of brown.

And here's the REAL punchline: I'm seeing the EX tomorrow for the first time since we broke up. So instead of looking like an ice blonde bombshell I look like someone has dumped that slushy grey snow you get at the side of the road onto my freakin head.

Here's where I went wrong: I picked up a semi-permanent blonde colour, and attempted to dye my permanently-coloured blonde hair with it. Apparently THIS DOES NOT WORK.

I will be slinking back down to Boots first thing tomorrow morning (IN A HAT) to fix this mess.
