Monday 22 February 2010

Turbo Minty Fresh Goosebumps

I can't explain how much I love love love this song.

The perfect mix of weird squeaky synth, gorgeous vocal harmonies and piano. I have been listening to it for months now and it still gives me goosebumps.

This is a song that I have on repeat OFTEN.

It is the perfect song to ease you into the day, or out of it. If i'm feeling stressed, or happy, or bummed out or excited this song is what I'll pick first on my iPod.

My favourite place for listening to it is on long train journeys staring out of the window and playing this really loudly through my earphones so it sounds like the song is inside my head. I pretend i'm in a scene from a film and this song is the background music. (By the way, does anyone else do this? I'm a big one for having certain songs to mark particular moments and moods. My own little life soundtrack :) )

The entire Miike Snow album is awesome. Buy buy buy!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This would be so much easier if I could erase you from my mind and my memories. If only just for a little while...

Thursday 18 February 2010

Barbie's New Career

I stumbled upon this article on the BBC the other day.

It seems Barbie has gone geek with a new career as "computer engineer". And this is her new look:

"The new doll is decked out in black spangled leggings and a lime-green fitted tunic patterned with binary code, worn under a slinky waistcoat, with saddle-stitching detail. The ensemble is topped off with the requisite hot-pink accessories: glasses, watch and shoes. To emphasise her innate "techiness" she carries a pink laptop and sports a Bluetooth headset. "

Now, I get what they're trying to do here with getting young girls interested in a career in IT, a largely male-dominated field, but I mean...its just.....well....COME ON PEOPLE. There's no way I can take this seriously.

Apparently "computer engineer" Barbie's message is "You can still be trendy and work in a geeky environment" Yes, I absolutely agree.

I'm just not sure Barbie was ever destined for a career in IT...

What do you think?

Feeling the Love

Who needs boys when you have friends like these?
Thank you guys. I love you all

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Is it weird...

...that i really really want one of these to slob around the house in?
(these are Kigurumi animal costumes and are, of course, Japanese in origin. But THIS awesome website has brought them to the UK and I'm all over it.)
Go. Buy. Play. SLOB.

Monday 8 February 2010

"Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt"

Kurt Vonnegut (Slaughterhouse-Five)

Sunday 7 February 2010

Perfect Pleasure

"A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?"

Just spent a lazy sunday afternoon watching Dorian Gray. What a wonderful idea for a story, the idea of selling one's soul for eternal youth and beauty, living a life of pure hedonism, but having every debauched, immoral and terrible act displayed as a disfigurement of aging in one's portrait.

And what a wonderfully dark film it was. I read the book years ago, but my memory of it is pretty hazy. I think I shall put it next on my reading list.

Here is a list of just a few of my perfect pleasures.

  1. Chocolate milk

  2. Passion fruit cocktails

  3. After Eights


  5. Brick Lane market

  6. Trashy magazines

  7. Clothes

  8. Spending the entire day in pyjamas

  9. ANTM, The Hills, The City (shameful yes. But I don't care)

All perfectly superficial, highly enjoyable and yet leave me unsatisfied, always wanting more...

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Shoes Mend Hearts

Isn't it wonderful how you can go from heartbreak to shoes in a matter of hours?

This beauty (along with it's partner) should be winging it's way to me AS I WRITE THIS.
(photos to follow when they arrive)

Shoes mend hearts.
And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

Mumford and Sons album "Sigh No More"


One of the main events that spurred me into turning the blog in my head into a blog on the web was the end of a 3 year relationship with the boy just a couple of weeks ago.

He hit me with a "we need to talk..." and I knew exactly what was coming.

I had to wait almost 2 hours for him to catch the train to my hometown...

and then, after less than 30 mintues filled with tears: mine and his, 3 years of my life with this person had come to an end.

And I pretty much felt like this:

I still get unexpected moments of sudden, physical pain at the memory.

I have days where the thoughts of us, past present and future, are replayed and imagined over and over and OVER in a persistant loop in my head.

He is an unwelcome intruder in my dreams most nights.

And yet... I'm ok. Inbetween the inevitable moments of pain and longing, I feel lighter, relieved, free. The relationship was broken ever since he cheated on me 2 summers ago.

He broke my heart and I have never, ever, felt pain like it in my life.

But aside from that, I felt so emotionally and romantically starved throughout the majority of the relationship that it's been surprisingly easy to let it go.

The next hurdle is seeing him for the first time after the breakup. The worst part of it all? We have ALL THE SAME FRIENDS FROM UNI.

But I think we really will make much better friends than we ever did boyfriend and girlfriend...

Wish me luck....

Monday 1 February 2010

One in 200 Million...


I've been putting off creating a blog for a while now. It just seemed like such a self-indulgent thing for me to create and put out there into the cyber world of over 200 million blogs...

but then i thought:

hey, maybe a little self-indulgence isn't so bad once in a while...

So here it is. A tiny piece of me, utterly insignificant as i am and feeling about this big amongst all of the beautiful, inspiring and fascinating blogs that are out there.