Monday 27 December 2010


Oh the sales....its a love/hate relationship. I love all the amazing bargains to be found, but I hate the inevitable draining of the bank account as a result. Bah.
(I especially hate when something that you have purchased at the full retail price is suddenly a fraction of what you paid for it in a sale that started a week later)

Isn't this the most beautiful dress you've ever seen? (Mango sales)

It's so delicate and elegant and covered in gorgeous shimmery goodness. I'm desperately trying to find an excuse to buy it. At £100 there really has to be a good reason to justify the spend.

But its so beautiful....I want!

Would I ever wear it?

Does it matter?

The tumultuous relationship continues...

Happy bargain hunting people!

Sunday 26 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Sunday 12 December 2010

Filigree, apogee, epigee...

This is what I want to happen next time I visit Portobello Road market please.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks is an absolute childhood favourite. I'm currently watching it at home alone singing along to all the songs that I still know, word perfect.

"Bobbing alooong, bobbing aloong on the bottom of the beautiful briiiiiiiny seeeaa"

Saturday 11 December 2010

Her Name Was Layla, She Was a Shoe Girl

So I have never really been much of a shoe girl. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do love a good shoe and they are totally necessary to complete an outfit but I don't often find many that I really, truly love. However, over the past couple of months I have found myself getting giddy over almost every shoe I see.

My new shoe lust for this week is the Layla block heel strappy wonder from Topshop. Even it's name is beautiful (shotgun "Layla" for my first daughter's name). Not to mention it's relatively cheap (for Topshop) price tag of just £65.

I have decided that to console myself after my scary-ass interview in London on Monday I will treat myself to these.
Well, you never know, I may just have a regular income by the new year...

Saturday 4 December 2010

Of all the people in the world, she is the one I can't bear him seeing.
this mess just gets better and better.


Friday 19 November 2010

Lust of the Week 4

Daaaamn those are some fine shoes
(Jeffrey Campbell Mumm wedge, Me and Zena Giant broken heart necklace)

Been perusing the internet all day today as i'm at home with the lurgy, pretending to look for christmas presents for family but really lusting after things for me...

Sunday 14 November 2010

Ode to Movember

Remember, remember, the month of Movember,
Bristles above the top lip,
I see no reason, why moustache season,
Should ever be given the slip

keep it up guys

(Brandon Flowers, Justin Bobby, Johnny Depp, Josh Hartnett, Caleb Followill)

Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween

Possibly my favourite holiday. Great for getting arts 'n' craftsy with your friends. And of course OD-ing on sugary halloween-themed treats (Cadburys "Dead Heads" filled with red coloured caramel anyone?) whilst getting freaked out watching horror films in the dark.

Sunday 24 October 2010

I pass this poster for the new Levi's 519 skinny fit jean every morning on my commute into London and it really perks up my day. Largely due to the deliciously hairy, jean-clad member of the Gaslight Anthem on the far left....

Bring on Monday morning

Sunday 10 October 2010

"Hold me like before.
Hold me like you used to.
Control me like you used to"

Saturday 9 October 2010

My new fashion blog obsession. Rumi Neely of blog fashiontoast is obscenely gorgeous and lives a fashionista's dream lifestyle.

Check it out and lust after her looks, her wardrobe and her lifestyle

Lust of the Week 3

I can't deny the pull of Topshop. I am currently in love with almost eveything in store, none of which is in my budget due to my general lack of income right now...
But this outfit could well be worth getting into debt for. I love oversized, slubby jumpers; they are always so forgiving and uber comfortable, and I have yet to venture into the world of over-the-knee boots. I feel like these two beauties are calling out to be worn together. Calling loudly. Teasing me with the fact that I just cannot justify buying them right now.
And this truly makes me sad.

Sunday 3 October 2010


Anyone else successful?
See you at Glasto :)

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Lust of the Week 2

The most beautiful travel bag I have seen in a long time....maybe even ever...
Basically, this is one lust-tastic bag and I must have it immediately if not sooner.
However, priced at around the £50 mark, I may have to exercise some patience and wait until Christmas...ouch.
It is by Disaster Designs, and is in the Paper Plane collection.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Dream Diary 1

My family are big dreamers. My mum is renowned amon
gst her friends for her frequent and often strange dreams, to the point where she has been given countless books on dreams and their meanings. I bore my friends on a regular basis with my weird and wonderful dreams so to ease their load I thought I'd dream-purge on here instead. Sorry blog world...

Last night I had a dream...

I was boarding a plane with my best friend, and I was heavily pregnant, due in fact to give birth the next day. I remember feeling ENORMOUS, bloated and inflated and heavy. When I was sat on the plane, I began to freak out as I am not a good flyer. I was crying and panicking and saying "This can't be good for the baby!" My friend sat next to me then said "Your face has gone all patchy. I think you're having a panic attack" And I was, I couldn't breathe properly and was hyperventilating. Then, a very camp flight attendant appeared at my side with a plate full of chips smothered in ketchup and said "Just breathe, it'll all be ok" And I looked at my plate of chips and felt better.

At this point I woke myself up with a snore....

Thursday 23 September 2010

1. When a guy gets over a girl, he may still come back to her. When a girl gets over a guy (and honestly gets over him), then she’ll never go back.
2. Breakups are a great motivator. Taking those lonely moments as a chance to know yourself better and move forward with your goals, makes abandoning old worlds easier.

(Wise words thanks to

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Change It Up

So I've gone for a new name for the blog. Just feeling a bit bored and ansy I guess, in life, in general...

Other recent changes (however insignificant!):
  1. Nose stud to nose ring
  2. Jeans to hareems
  3. Ear stud to fake flesh tunnel swirly thing (its beaut. Find it here)
  4. Size 10 to a size 12...(really not so happy about this one. Damn you, cheap pies and vanilla lattes!)
  5. General slob and pro coach potato to almost-employed market research intern. yay!
  6. In 3 year relationship with the Boy to very much single (ok, its been like 7 months, but 5 of those were spent in limbo travelling and well....a girl's allowed to wallow!)
"Nothing endures but change" - Heraclitus

Tuesday 21 September 2010

hello beautiful...

All in the Name of Research...?

In order to fulfil the primal shopping urge that has been steadily increasing again since I returned home from travelling, I have reached new levels of desperate action.

Having only just started an (admittedly unpaid) market research internship I have today been very bad. With my parents away on holiday and thus not available to scorn me for my actions, reverting back to my old school habits I...pulled a sicky to go shopping in London.

oh the shame.

(but totally worth it)

Perhaps I could spin it as fashion-related, direct market research? An homage to Fashion Week? Hmm...

Sunday 5 September 2010

Lust of the Week

I thought to try to bring a little structure and regularity to my blog I'd do a weekly feature. So voila, first installment of
"Lust of the Week"

I'm pretty sure I could happily do "Lust of the Day" but I am trying to keep my lusting a little more under control...

Tattoo Tights

Commitment-free body art. These tattoo tights are absolutely beautiful and add an element of quirk without requiring you to go under the needle! Find them at Topshop, Etsy, or just Google "tattoo tights" and follow the links.

Can't wait to get my hands on some for Autumn/Winter.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Travels - The Lazy Girl's Post

Here's a brief overview of my past few months of travelling fun, in picture format because its prettier and i'm lazy.

The most fun I've ever crammed into 4 and a half months.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Leaving On A Jetplane

Tomorrow, at 11.50am I am flying off to the other side of the world for 5 months of travelling. I find myself wondering how this has come around so quickly, I've been planning this trip with a friend for almost a year and suddenly ITS TIME.

I couldn't be more excited to be seeing some more of the world, and I couldn't ask to be travelling with a better friend. She's already out there so the flying bit I will have to face alone.

Sadly I have, at some point over the last few years, developed quite a fear of flying. Which sucks massively because I love to travel, thus it must be done. Happily, lovely doctor has sorted me out with a truckload of valium so I am hoping to be nice and comatose for most of the journey...

So, as long as my plane doesn't fall to pieces in the sky(!), I'll be here and happy in a few hours (nearly 12 in the air to be exact :( )


Wednesday 10 March 2010

Filling a Hole

I'm a girl that likes to shop. But lately, its a habit thats gotten a little out of control, to the point where I was ordering things to my work address and smuggling them home up to my room to avoid my mother's judgement.

I daren't calculate just how much I have spent in the last couple of months but considering I blew nearly £100 in one brief online shop and have been fairly constantly drip-feeding my need for MORE THINGS since, I'm sure it can't be pretty...

Here's an example of one week's ridiculous shopping:
  • A pair of shoes
  • CD
  • 2 vintage jumpers
  • 2 pairs of earrings
  • 2 necklaces
  • A Kigu (I finally took the plunge into the ridiculous)
  • Bestival tickets (big ol blow to the bank account)
  • 1 ring
  • 1 pair of bikini bottoms
  • 1 tank top

Now, I don't need no professional to explain to me whats going on here.

I'm very aware that since being shoved from my comfortable nest of coupledom I've been spending like there's no tomorrow in order to fill the sudden horrible gaping hole in my life.

(I guess it's better than filling it with alcohol and drugs, right?)

And I know that this will gradually get better, and instead of feeling like there's a gaping hole in my life that needs to be filled with more and more THINGS, I'll eventually just be


And until then, I might just have to have this little beauty (all in the aid of healing of course ;) )

Friday 5 March 2010



I have just managed to dye my hair accident.

And not that "look-how-edgy-I-am" silver grey thing that everyone is doing right now (which I definitely DO NOT get)

But proper fucking grey. With a weird hint of brown.

And here's the REAL punchline: I'm seeing the EX tomorrow for the first time since we broke up. So instead of looking like an ice blonde bombshell I look like someone has dumped that slushy grey snow you get at the side of the road onto my freakin head.

Here's where I went wrong: I picked up a semi-permanent blonde colour, and attempted to dye my permanently-coloured blonde hair with it. Apparently THIS DOES NOT WORK.

I will be slinking back down to Boots first thing tomorrow morning (IN A HAT) to fix this mess.


Monday 22 February 2010

Turbo Minty Fresh Goosebumps

I can't explain how much I love love love this song.

The perfect mix of weird squeaky synth, gorgeous vocal harmonies and piano. I have been listening to it for months now and it still gives me goosebumps.

This is a song that I have on repeat OFTEN.

It is the perfect song to ease you into the day, or out of it. If i'm feeling stressed, or happy, or bummed out or excited this song is what I'll pick first on my iPod.

My favourite place for listening to it is on long train journeys staring out of the window and playing this really loudly through my earphones so it sounds like the song is inside my head. I pretend i'm in a scene from a film and this song is the background music. (By the way, does anyone else do this? I'm a big one for having certain songs to mark particular moments and moods. My own little life soundtrack :) )

The entire Miike Snow album is awesome. Buy buy buy!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This would be so much easier if I could erase you from my mind and my memories. If only just for a little while...

Thursday 18 February 2010

Barbie's New Career

I stumbled upon this article on the BBC the other day.

It seems Barbie has gone geek with a new career as "computer engineer". And this is her new look:

"The new doll is decked out in black spangled leggings and a lime-green fitted tunic patterned with binary code, worn under a slinky waistcoat, with saddle-stitching detail. The ensemble is topped off with the requisite hot-pink accessories: glasses, watch and shoes. To emphasise her innate "techiness" she carries a pink laptop and sports a Bluetooth headset. "

Now, I get what they're trying to do here with getting young girls interested in a career in IT, a largely male-dominated field, but I mean...its just.....well....COME ON PEOPLE. There's no way I can take this seriously.

Apparently "computer engineer" Barbie's message is "You can still be trendy and work in a geeky environment" Yes, I absolutely agree.

I'm just not sure Barbie was ever destined for a career in IT...

What do you think?

Feeling the Love

Who needs boys when you have friends like these?
Thank you guys. I love you all